
What is Safe HavenIoT?
16th Apr, 2021

Safe HavenIoT is an IoT based auto-testing and feedback system brought to you by Acufire. It is a crucial Testing System for fire safety installations that help you walk towards your goal without any fear, anxiety or apprehension. In layman’s terms, your installation will remain fireproof with Safe HavenIoT of Acufire.

Safe HavenIoT consists of an Automatic Testing System to analyze the ground situation in an installation. These collected parameters can be recorded in the system with the help of a robust Feedback System present in Safe HavenIoT. This enables a single person to monitor the whole system effectively. Moreover, Safe HavenIoT regulates and monitors all fire safety parameters and give real-time metrics of diesel level, battery condition, pressure on pumps, etc

  1. PLC Panel is used to  operate every activity of Safe HavenIoT.
  2. For testing the hydrant pump, PLC will turn off the Butterfly valve and then drain valves will be opened.
  3. As soon as the water pressure falls below the threshold value, the hydrant pump will be initiated
  4. The pump will remain open for 1.5 minutes and all the parameters will be recorded in the system for monitoring purposes.
    (Similar process will be followed for sprinkler and standby pump)

Key Feature of Safe HavenIoT

Safe HavenIoT provides live data metrics of:

  • -> Battery Conditions
  • -> Diesel Level
  • -> Water Level
  • -> Pressure on Pumps
  • -> The flow of water through pumps

That too on your personal device for ease of monitoring various system parameters.

Monitoring of Feedback and Automated Testing

SafeHaven IoT imports in data from installed fire safety equipment which is compared with the preset parameters (which we have added as reference mark). After comparing, necessary parameters are sent via notification, SMS or email in case of variance.

For Example:
If the preset value of diesel is 70 liters, then you will get a notification when this level is changed.

Monitoring and automated Pump Testing

SafeHaven IoT is integrated with electric actuator valves (PLC Panel) which helps pumps start and stop on their own). Each Fire Pump is kept running for 2 mins and then stopped so that the accurate parameter is obtained for monitoring purposes.

The automation test cycle is activated once every 8 days so that system is routinely checked. Parameters like flow, working battery condition etc are recorded and sent to stakeholders.

Birds Eye View of Safe HavenIOT Specifications:

1. It regulates and monitors all fire safety parameters.
2. Historical and real-time data of all your Pumps available 3. Monitor the efficiency of your pumps.
4. It Diagnoses problems in the system and takes corrective actions.
5. The whole system can be monitored by a single person.
6. Maintenance of Safe HavenIoT is easy.

Review of Safe HavenIoT Existing Customers

SafeHavenIoT has revolutionized how we tract fire safety on our site. It helps us monitor crucial fire safety parameters through an application. It really is the need of the hour for every industry today to ensure their safety
– Mandar Kulkarni (AGM, Panchshil Realty)

Stay fire protected with Acufire Safe HavenIoT


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